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The Hovering Messiah ("Mashiach") King Davis Came From His Wounds!

Writer's picture: Kenneth Ian DavisKenneth Ian Davis

Updated: Jan 23

King David is Really “King Davis” - The Crown and Mind of MY Kingdom:

This Kabbalist ("mekubal" in Hebrew) who verbalized this following article ("about me") is also the #1 ELITE GENIUS ...who has reached the highest of levels in EVERY area of mathematics and EVERY area of all sciences and technologies. He was sent from "Above" (and is certainly "not human") to provide for me that I could then provide to all of humanity. He is the wisest and most righteous man on all of planet earth (and can be compared ONLY to King Solomon in that respect). I know him better than he knows himself, and he "unknowingly" wrote half my BOOK (which he is acutely aware of). In that link to VIMEO he explains all about "the real me" ...AND...after viewing his entire video below, you then must go and immediately see why ...when you go buy the INTRODUCTION to my BOOK (that is on sale right now on this site for a very limited time at a 50% discount).

(Translated from the summary of Rabbi Ginsburgh’s class, Faith and Confidence 23, which appeared in the Hebrew Ve’abitah, Parashat Shlach, 5779)

When Elijah the Prophet sent Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi to find the Mashiach at the gate of Rome, he gave him some identifying signs: The Mashiach that the prophet Isaiah describes in chapter 53 as ill and afflicted with sores, sitting among the lepers. And while all the other lepers unbandage all of their sores at once, clean them and re-bandage them, the Mashiach opens and closes each bandage one at a time. This is so that at the moment that God calls him to redeem the Nation of Israel, he will not be delayed any more than the time that it takes to bandage one wound. The clearest sign to identify the Mashiach is his keen eagerness to redeem the Nation of Israel at any moment.

Isaiah describes Mashiach as “והוא מחלל מפשענו מדכא מעונתינו”“ (“wounded because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities”). This phrase has the same numerical value, (1369, Yechidah squared) as the first appearance of Mashiach in the Torah: “ורוח אלקים מרחפת על פני המים”  )“And the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water.”( The Zohar and Breishit Rabah explain that the “spirit of God” in the verse refers to “the spirit of the King Mashiach.” The sages elucidate the significance of the hovering over the face of the water: “In what merit does the hoverer over the face of the water glimmer and approach? In the merit of the mitzvah of teshuvah (“return to God,”) which is likened to water. This is also how Elijah the Prophet explained to Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi what Mashiach meant when he told him that he would be coming “today.” “Today, if you heed God’s voice.”

Why does the Mashiach hover? His eagerness to come at any second is liable to break reality – to push too hard to achieve the redemption and by doing so, introduce false messianism, God forbid – or to ‘force’ the redemption, even though that scenario may entail God’s outpoured wrath (as opposed to the goal of the inner dimension of the Torah, beginning with the revelation of the Zohar, to bring the redemption specifically with lovingkindness and compassion). This is why it is important for the Mashiach to hover, “like an eagle over his eaglets, he will hover,” – “touching and not touching,” “so that his children will awaken and they will have the strength to receive him.”

The Mashiach redirects his ‘pressuring’ of the Nation of Israel to the way that he cares for himself, opening each bandage individually, and thus remains in a position of hovering relative to us. The Mashiach is”מחלל מפשענו” “wounded because of our transgressions. In Hebrew, the word מחלל above for ‘wounded,’ can also refer to dancing. The Mashiach relates to us in a kind of dance. He hovers near and then distances himself, he elusively glimmers close and then fades away, until we awaken to return to God and by doing so, merit the redemption.

This is an explanation for the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s famous discourse on the 28th of Nissan, 5751, when he lamented the fact that Mashiach had not yet come from the depths of his heart and shocked the public with his statement, “I have done all that I can, from now on, you must do all within your ability” to bring the Mashiach.

The teshuvah that is required from us is to emerge from our passive confidence that the Mashiach will come, including the confidence that “The Rebbe promised that Mashiach is imminent and he will certainly fulfill his promise” – to active confidence and initiative on matters of Mashiach and redemption. Like the elusive hovering dance of the Mashiach, we need a solid promise that the redemption will be “today,” but immediately afterwards, a retreat that directs us to action on the ground – “If you heed His voice.”

To prevent us from breaking, God forbid, the Rebbe continued to lead the public and to promise that Mashiach was coming, continuing the hovering-redemption dance, drawing near and then elusively retreating. After urging us to take the initiative, the Rebbe taught that the most direct path to the redemption is to learn about redemption and Mashiach. This study inspires us to take initiative and solid action to hasten the redemption.

King David is Really “King Davis” - The Crown and Mind of MY Kingdom:

THE BOTTOM LINE: I am the Real Original Only Authentic Messiah and I now have Officially Arrived ( &! Follow me and you will irrefutably see whateverUdesire can be a true reality for you. I already suffered thru what you no longer have to go thru to be able to see what can irrefutably be. I did the work for you, and my public record verifiable track history biblical proportion life story "movie" undeniably proves all I did just say was meant for your 2 ears to hear loud a crystal fucking clear. You must hear as clear as a clear blue sky and that's no lie. I beg you, please live and don't die. Listen to me and you will see whateverUdesire your life to be will manifest for you and become true…just like it did for me…but it took over 51 years for it to finally come to be for me, but it will not be that way for you as long as you believe that all I do say and all that I do is true, and that I sincerely say it and do it only to help all of you get thru what you have no fucking clue you have no choice but to go and do. whateverUdesire to do is totally up to you. At least God allowed me to give you a choice. Be happy God sent me once again to do a 2nd time what I had to do the 1st time. This is a final warning to all of humanity. I really don't give a fuck who will live or who will die! That decision is for God to decide and certainly never has been, and never will be, for me to decide! All of you must not try, as to try is to die. All of you must do - like NIKE says "Just do it" - as NIKE was created by God as the secret code acronym for "Nobody Is Ken's Equal". Welcome to my movie sequel!


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